Synthax to add "dataset" prop in a VisionComponent

I use the AbstractVisionComponent
I’m looking for the synthax to add “dataset” prop in the CommonBeanInfo ?
and the java type for the associed getter and setter for the dataset ?

You’re example is fine for a text prop :

addProp(“text”, “Text”, “The text to display in the component”, CAT_DATA, PREFFERED_MASK | BOUND_MASK);

public String getText() {
return text;

public void setText(String text) {
// Firing property changes like this is required for any property that has the BOUND_MASK set on it.
// (See this component’s BeanInfo class)
String old = this.text;
this.text = text;
firePropertyChange(“text”, old, text);


In the bean info class you do the following:addBoundProp("data", "Data", "The data for this component", CAT_DATA, PREFERRED_MASK);In your Java class you do the following:[code]public Dataset getData() {
return data;

public void setData(Dataset newDataset) {
if (newDataset == null) {
newDataset = new BasicDataset(new ArrayList(0), new ArrayList<Class<?>>(0), new Object[][] {});

Dataset oldDataset =; = newDataset;

// Do something with the data like update component

firePropertyChange("data", oldDataset == newDataset ? null : oldDataset, newDataset);


Perfect :thumb_left: