System.alarm.querystatus top 10 items

I would like to retrieve the 10 most recent alarms from system.alarm.querystatus. What should I do?

def getAlarms(self, value, app=None):
	states = []
	for i in range(len(self.custom.states)):
	alarms = system.alarm.queryStatus(state=states, priority=["Critical"])#, all_properties=[('App', '=', app)])
	data = []
	for alarm in alarms:
		displayPath = alarm.getDisplayPath()
		priority = alarm.getPriority()
		priorityOrdinal = alarm.getPriority().ordinal()
		state = alarm.getState().ordinal() #0=ClearUnacked, 1=ClearAcked, 2=ActiveUnacked, 3=ActiveAcked
		stateOrder = [1,0,3,2].index(state)
		id = alarm.getId()
		name = alarm.getName()
		timestamp = None
		timestampMS = None
		eventValue = None
		active = {}
		if alarm.getActiveData() != None:
			for prop in alarm.getActiveData().getValues():
				active[prop.getProperty().getName()] = prop.getValue()
		clear = {}
		if alarm.getClearedData() != None:
			for prop in alarm.getClearedData().getValues():
				clear[prop.getProperty().getName()] = prop.getValue()
		stateDict = active if state in [2,3] else clear
		if "eventTime" in stateDict:
			timestamp =["eventTime"], "M/d/yy hh:mm:ss a")
			timestampMS = stateDict["eventTime"]
		if "eventValue" in stateDict:
			eventValue = str(stateDict["eventValue"])
		ack = {"isAcked":False, "id":id}
		if state in [1,3]:
			ack["isAcked"] = True
			for prop in alarm.getAckData().getValues():
				propValue = str(prop.getValue())
				if prop.getProperty().getName() == "eventTime":
					propValue =, "M/d/yy hh:mm:ss a")
				ack[prop.getProperty().getName()] = propValue
		ack = system.util.jsonEncode(ack)
		if state == 2:
			data.append({"id":id, "displayPath":displayPath, "name":name, "priority":priority, "priorityOrdinal":priorityOrdinal, "state":state, "stateOrder":stateOrder, "timestamp":timestamp, "timestampMS":timestampMS, "value":eventValue, "ack":ack})
	data.sort(key=lambda x: (x["stateOrder"], x["priorityOrdinal"], x["timestampMS"]), reverse=True)
	return data

instead of all of these "getFunction()" calls you can drop the "get" and access them in a more pythonic way:

alarm.getClearedData().getValues() -->

active[prop.getProperty().getName()] = prop.getValue() ->
active[] = prop.value

Basically, just drop the "get" and make it camelCase.
Jython automatically converts JavaBean conventioned Java getters and setters into a more Pythonic style by removing the gets/sets to make them more familiar to Python programmers and also simpler to read and write.

Something I find useful is running this on an obj to see what methods/props it has, and their types. You can also refer to the javadocs:

obj = prop
for d in dir(obj): print d, getattr(obj, d)

You can also replace this above with this below:

states = list(self.custom.states)