Ignition / Vision:
I have a Stored Function (PostgreSQL) that accepts an array of integers- The function executes as expected when called from pgAdmin as follows:
SELECT * FROM public.downtime_record(1, 1000, ‘05/10/2022’, ‘0800 : 0900’, ‘{10, 11}’, ‘{1, 2}’, 1000)
However, when trying to execute this function from a script, it fails-
system.db.runPrepQuery(‘SELECT * FROM public.downtime_record(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)’, [workcenterId, operationId, dateSlot, hourSlot, downtimeMinutes, downtimeId, partId])
I have my two array of integers being set as follows:
downtimeMinutes = [10, 20]
downtimeId = [4, 5]
This is the error that is generated:
GatewayException: Can’t infer the SQL type to use for an instance of org.python.core.PyList. Use setObject() with an explicit Types value to specify the type to use.
What is the proper syntax for setting the two array variables?-
Thank you-