
Is there a way to set “Home”?

This causes some navigation that can get the operator to the wrong areas of the project: “This is automatically detected as the first main screen window shown in a project.”

Are you trying to set a home page in vision or perspective


Nope. But, you can set a client tag, and use that.

windowName = system.tag.readBocking(['[client]HomeScreenName'])[0].value

The tag can either be a static window name, or you can use an expression to return a window name based on (for example) a role or user.

EDIT: That said, I think it should be something added to the ideas portal. Maybe like a system.nav.setHome()

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I agree on the " EDIT: That said, I think it should be something added to the ideas portal. Maybe like a system.nav.setHome()"

We have a Line Overview and several SubOverview windows. I could “system.nav.setHome()” when leaving the Sub and the generic window we Swap to could return us to the “system.nav.goHome()” window.