system.tag.queryTagHistory showing blanks when running through gateway script

I have this script:

def getCSVItem1():
	#if newValue.getValue() == True:
	import csv
	from java.util import Date
	runstartTime = system.tag.readBlocking("[default]SystemA/Item1/IgnitionValues/RunTimes/RunStartTime")
	runstartTime = runstartTime[0].value
	# Define the start and end times for the query
	previousRunStartTime ="SystemA/Item1/IgnitionValues/RunTimes/PreviousRunStartTime").value
	RunEndTime ="SystemA/Item1/IgnitionValues/RunTimes/RunEndTime").value
	# Define the tag paths
	tagPaths = [
	# Extract the short names from the tag paths
	headers = ['Timestamp'] + [path.split('/')[-1] for path in tagPaths]
	# Query the tag history
	history = system.tag.queryTagHistory(paths=tagPaths, startDate=previousRunStartTime, endDate=RunEndTime)
	# Get the current date and time and format it to be safe for file names
	currentDateTime =, "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss")
	# Define the output CSV file path with the formatted date and time
	outputFilePath = "C:\\Users\\Account1\\Documents\\Item1-" + currentDateTime + ".csv"
	# Write the history data to a CSV file
	with open(outputFilePath, 'wb') as csvfile:
	    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
	    # Write header row
	    # Iterate over the dataset rows
	    for row in range(history.getRowCount()):
	        # Write timestamp and values for each tag
	        timestamp = history.getValueAt(row, 0)  # Assuming timestamp is in the first column
	        values = [history.getValueAt(row, col) for col in range(1, history.getColumnCount())]
	        writer.writerow([timestamp] + values)

If I run it using script console it works fine.

However when I run it using Gateway Script Console on a tag change it just returns a csv file with the header but after that its blank. Anyone have any ideas?

You're not using fully qualified paths consistently - e.g. [default]SystemA/Item1/X at the beginning of your code, but not using [default] elsewhere. Depending on where in the gateway you're running this from, there may not be a default tag provider to reference, so the paths are underspecified and point to nothing.

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I would also recommend some other refactors to your script - consolidating read operations, using builtin CSV formatting, reducing error prone string manipulations, etc:

def getCSV(provider="default", system="SystemA", item="Item1"):
	def qualify(path):
		return "[{}]{}/{}/{}".format(provider, system, item, path)
	timing = [

	runstartTime, previousRunStartTime, runEndTime = [
		for qv in system.tag.readBlocking([qualify(path) for path in timing])
	# Define the tag paths
	tagPaths = [

	# Query the tag history
	history = system.tag.queryTagHistory(
		paths=[qualify(path) for path in tagPaths],
	# Get the current date and time and format it to be safe for file names
	currentDateTime =, "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss")
	# Define the output CSV file path with the formatted date and time
	outputFilePath = "C:/Users/Account1/Documents/{}-{}.csv".format(item, currentDateTime)
	csv = system.dataset.toCSV(history, True, False, False)
	system.file.writeFile(outputFilePath, csv)

Wow can't believe it was that simple. Thank you for that.