An even better solution would be to use a DB technology suited to production data. SQLite is made to hold configuration data, not production data. It is single-threaded and does not conform to modern SQL standards.
I query the t_stamp data type from table browser, and noticed t_stamp is text.
So I manually create another table TB100 , with t_stamp is datetime,create new Transaction Group and untick "Automatically create table" and select this new existing table , it works fine, I think issue is at the "Automatically create table" when create named query.
Anyway, I will go on this solution, thanks for your help.
And for my own curiousity , I checked tag history table which is also auto created, and the t_stamp is integer, not sure why it works fine in Easy chart, probably there is convertion Ignition backend.
Thanks Pturmel, I will use MSSQL for production , now I am doing test and training , thought SQLite would be easiest way to do without any futher application installation.