Tab Strip Component Selected Tab

I have a Tab Strip component with the Selected Tab property bound to {[System]Client/User/CurrentWindow}. When I’m resizing the window, the Selected Tab property turns to '' instead of the window currently open.

I’m not sure what’s the most helpful way for me to proceed in order to get help. I’ve enabled logging on the tab strip mouseReleased and propertyChange. The log below is from me clicking on a tab in the Tab Strip component, then immediately after there is a deselection…but I didn’t click anything! This occurs occasionally, not every time. It also occurs occasionally when resizing the window.

12:55:05.502 [MainThread] INFO Tab Strip MouseReleased - Source: com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.tabstrip.PMITabStrip[Tab Strip,0,56,120x276,layout=com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.tabstrip.VerticalTabStripLayoutManager,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=9,maximumSize=,minimumSize=java.awt.Dimension[width=25,height=25],preferredSize=java.awt.Dimension[width=400,height=30]]
12:55:05.504 [MainThread] INFO Tab Strip MouseReleased - Click Count: 1, X: 72, Y: 19
12:55:05.505 [MainThread] INFO Tab Strip MouseReleased - Popup Trigger: False
12:55:05.516 [MainThread] INFO Tab Strip Property - Property Name: selected_tab, OldValue: , NewValue: Kitchens/Kitchen01/SC01
12:55:05.517 [MainThread] INFO Tab Strip Property - Property Name: selectedTab, OldValue: , NewValue: Kitchens/Kitchen01/SC01
12:55:05.769 [MainThread] INFO Tab Strip Property - Property Name: selected_tab, OldValue: Kitchens/Kitchen01/SC01, NewValue: 
12:55:05.770 [MainThread] INFO Tab Strip Property - Property Name: selectedTab, OldValue: Kitchens/Kitchen01/SC01, NewValue: 
12:55:05.777 [MainThread] INFO Tab Strip Property - Property Name: vision.bounds2d, OldValue: java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$Float[x=0.0,y=56.092594,w=120.0,h=276.14816], NewValue: java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$Float[x=0.0,y=60.18519,w=120.0,h=296.29633]
12:55:05.778 [MainThread] INFO Tab Strip Property - Property Name: vision.bounds2d, OldValue: java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$Float[x=0.0,y=60.18519,w=120.0,h=296.29633], NewValue: java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$Float[x=0.0,y=56.092594,w=120.0,h=276.14816]