I am having an issue with creating a tab data cell update binding for a tab strip and was wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue. I am trying to bind the background color of a particular tab to flash whenever there is an error but every time it flashes, it attempts to navigate to the page tab that is flashing.
Post a copy of your code/bindings, with necessary parts redacted.
Yeah, can't do this. Cell update bindings replace the entire dataset that they push into, which, for this case, causes a deselect-reselect event pair to occur on the current tab.
So let's say I wanted to create my own "tab strip", would it be better to create a template repeater and use cell bindings on that data, or would it be better to spend the extra time to individually make every button and any time a change needs to happen to a button, you'll have to apply it to each and every button. (The project I work on has 8 tier 1 tabs and 57 tier 2 tabs)
I can't really paste the code because its just a tab strip with a cell binding to a color. So you can bind the background color of a tab to a custom property on that tab. Then you just need to make the custom property color flash when a custom property bit is turned high.
I pretty much never use cell bindings. I tend to use scripts or my Integration Toolkit expression functions to produce dynamic data sets where it makes sense. Animating based on a tag value is an operation that really need to be an indirect binding within a template, so that you don't have to change a source dataset.