Question - Is it possible to have a table grow to fit a flex container?
I currently have a table in a Flex container (the only object in it). I want the rows to scale based on screen size. I got my desired layout by manually creating a "row" out of labels and using a flex repeater; however, I feel this is probably not the proper way (you also miss out on sorting, filtering, etc...).
Current setup (Has blank space on the bottom even with Grow set to true)
Ideal Setup (Fills the page)
In my understanding you can´t change the height of rows dinamically depending on the flex height, but you can fit the table to the height of the flex container by droping the table on it. This is a teble inside a Flex container
Thanks for the response.
You should be able to dynamically change your row height, even if imperfectly, by doing a CSS injection on row height, something like clamp (2px, 0.8* (1.0vmin + 1.0vmax, 100px)
. I plan to try this next. However, I was hoping there would be a better way.
This is almost what I have; however, my root type is not a Coordinate container but a Flex container. I have found that this removes the need to add another Flex Container and provides cleaner formatting on the web.
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