Tables in Config.idb

I am looking for a list of tables that are in the config.idb and an short description of what they hold. Some of the tables are self explanatory. and som very confusing as they hold no information about what the table name referst to. If there is a definitive list or if anyone has found any information that they could point me to it would be a great help.

Disclaimer: I've never had the need to play with an IDB

Searching the forum, Kindling has an IDB viewer:

I haven't seen much further than this on the forum or in the user manual

Perhaps @PGriffith has a further resource.

Hi, Yes i had a look at the Kindling tools, as regard the IDB viewer the SQLite Studio has much better tools for the IDB file but it doesnt realy tell me any information. The reason i am looking is i have done 2 identical installs and yet the idb files appear to be different. I am wanting to understand the differences.

It will be useful knowledge for less than a year. Ignition v8.3 is abandoning config.idb. It has always been an internal implementation detail, not intended to be understood by integrators/designers.

There are a number of reasons the IDB might be different between two installs. One common explanation is "what version the gateway started at", which will inevitably mean some number of legacy tables exist and are quietly passed over in favor of new ones
The other very common explanation is the set of modules installed.

As Phil noted though, it's an internal implementation detail and almost certainly not worth worrying about. If you have a specific question feel free to ask it here or via our support department.