Tag Browse Tree Dataset


as i have a Tree View which displays the Tag Browser but with the real names of the Tags (saved in the parameters of the UDT), i want to update it at times in case i added a new Tag or deleted one.
I implemented this through a recursive function by using the system.tag.browse() function and checking for each tag if it already exists in the Tree View. This works fine but the runtime is long.

Now i got the idea that i can use the Tag Browser, refresh it and check if the dataset has changed through the PropertyChange script but as the Dataset behind the Tag Browse Tree is no Property, i wonder,it is even possible to access the Dataset and check for changes?

Don't call system.tag.browse recursively. It can take a recursive=True parameter.

Try with this first, and see if it still needs to be improved.

When i don't need to add a lot of tags this works perfectly, thanks!