I’m using Tag browse tree component in realtime mode and I would like to hide tags properties ( items with “Tree Node” symbol example: OpcItemPath, Quality, Tooltip, …).
I tried to use “filterTag” extension Function but it was unsuccessful…
Is it possible to hide tag properties or disable the tag handles on the tag browse tree component?
If you check in your browser's Developer Tools you'll see that each of the properties is class="terminal-node". It may be possible to, at least, hide those nodes (display : none) but the symbol will still show up on the tag name.
Adding these styles to the Advanced Stylesheet will give you what you want
/* Hide the tag meta data by targeting the terminal-node class */
#ia_tagBrowser.terminal-node {
display: none !important;
/* Hide the arrow for tag nodes (elements that are not folders) */
.parent-node:not(:has(svg[data-icon="material/folder"])) .ia_treeComponent__expandIcon {
visibility: hidden; /* Use visibility to keep spacing */
/* Ensure the arrow is visible for folder nodes */
.parent-node:has(svg[data-icon="material/folder_open"]) {
visibility: visible !important;
/* Ensure the arrow remains visible when the folder is expanded */
.ia_treeComponent__node--expanded .ia_treeComponent__expandIcon {
visibility: visible !important;
/* Maintain the expand/collapse arrow for expanded folders */
.ia_treeComponent__expandIcon[data-icon="material/arrow_drop_down"] {
visibility: visible !important;
/* Ensure the hierarchy lines and spacing are maintained */
.ia_treeComponent__alignmentGuide {
display: block !important;