Tag DB Design and OPC Architecture

First time poster here, hope I'm doing this right! In some of the videos I've been watching, I've noticed folks using different OPC Servers for the same endpoint device for specific UDTs. Is this a best practice?

I remember KepServerEX suggests setting up different "channels" for the same device as sort of a "load balancing" scenario.

I was just curious if this improves overall performance.

Thanks in advance.

Different OPC Servers is not something I've ever seen.

Sometimes people configure multiple connections to the same device when using the Ignition OPC UA server, and they do something like put all the tags with a faster direct rate on one connection, and all the tags with slower leased rates on another, because there is a slight disruption that happens in the driver when subscriptions change due to lease changes. It's not super common though.

Yes, connections was what I meant. I just saw Alex from Corso do it in one of their videos and was curious. Thanks for the reply Kevin, I’m really liking the Ignition Platform!!