Tag.EditTag Sub UDT Parameter

I am trying to edit a parameter in a child UDT.
In the image below I am trying to edit the ‘SlaveID’ parameter in ‘TOB01’.
Instead of the parameter being edited, a parameter called ‘SlaveID’ is being created in the parent UDT ‘BWA01’
The tagPath being passed in the function is correct.

Here is the script being called.

I played with this and found that with a similar structure this will set the parameters on the child correctly:

path = "ParentUDT"
params = {"ChildUDT/Param1": "Test P1"}
system.tag.editTag(tagPath=path, parameters=params)

While this will create a new parameter on the parent object as you’re seeing:

path = "ParentUDT/ChildUDT"
params = {"Param1": "Test P1"}
system.tag.editTag(tagPath=path, parameters=params)

Seems like a bug but the workaround would be to specify the child-UDT path in your parameters map.

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Thanks for answering so quick.
I’ve tried out this method and I got the same outcome again.
It adds the parameter to the parent instead of the child.

What version of Ignition are you using? To ensure correct behavior with UDT editing through scripting, you’ll need to be on Ignition 7.9.8.

I am currently using version 7.9.8.

I have the same problem, with version 7.9.8, anyone resolved this yet?