Tag Group transition into and out of leased causing Bad_Connected

This is in Vision on 8.1.38.

We are playing around with moving a large qty of tags from a Direct tag group to a Leased tag group. However, that is causing overlays when a popup is opened that has these leased tags.

Watching the tag quality, it transitions from Good -> Bad_NotConnected -> Good when the tag is shown on the popup. The transition from Good -> Bad_NotConnected is showing overlays on the custom properties that I have on the objects.

Is there a way to get the tag group to "ride through" the transition so that these quality changes don't happen? Or is this just a side effect of the Leased Tag Group when a tag is shown on a client?

IIRC, some IA drivers have trouble change tag subscriptions quickly, so the tag really does end up "not connected" for longer than the fast poll time. If this is the Logix driver, try mine. (: