Tag Historian Auto-Disable - Server1 with Ignition Server2 with Tag Historian Module with PostgreSQL

Hello, guys,

I’m having a problem that I can’t solve.
I have a setup like the one in the image, with machine 2 running a historian with postgresql.


I enable the tags historian, and for some connection error, the historian is disabled.

The important logs:

WebSocketConnection 05Jun2022 16:56:23
[122633685] ignition-la-srv-app-02 connection status has been updated from Running to Faulted: Remote server forcibly closed the web socket: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 42143/30000 ms
Routing 05Jun2022 16:56:23
Route disconnected between server ‘_0:0:Ignition-la-srv-app-02’ and connection 'ignition-la-srv-app-02
provider 05Jun2022 16:56:40
Ignition_la_srv_app_02_Postgresql_Localhost Starting remote historian profile ‘Ignition_la_srv_app_02_Postgresql_Localhost’
HsqlDataStore 05Jun2022 16:56:40
Looking for existing store and forward datacache ignition_la_srv_app_02_postgresql_localhost
HsqlDataStore 05Jun2022 16:56:41
store and forward datacache ignition_la_srv_app_02_postgresql_localhost started up successfully
StandardStoreAndForwardEngine 05Jun2022 16:56:41
History sink ‘ignition_la_srv_app_02_postgresql_localhost’ started successfully.
RemoteHistorianSink 05Jun2022 16:56:41
Remote sink service state changed to ‘ServerUnavailable’
RemoteHistorianSink 05Jun2022 16:56:41
History sink ‘Ignition_la_srv_app_02_Postgresql_Localhost’ started successfully.
RemoteHistorianSink 05Jun2022 16:56:41
Data sink ‘Ignition_la_srv_app_02_Postgresql_Localhost’ has been set to faulted: Error initializing data sink. The history storage service is currently unavailable. Current state: ServerUnavailable

Any suggestions on how i can fix this?

Almir Braggio

To add more detail, both configuration in yellow are missed after one Gateway Network failed connection between Server 1 and Server 2.
I need to open the project, edit the tag field configuration (in yellow) to historian works again.
Anything else is unnecessary in the gateways, just in the project, after this, I can read the historian tags using a Power Chart.

Solved by using Reference Tags. The configuration is missed with the network fail, but using reference tags, the problem has been bypassed.