Tag History on Chart (only working in Preview)

Hi guys.
First time poster here working on first actual project so question might be "dumb" but here goes:

I've built up a set of standard UDTs, paired with Standard mimics and faceplates. I am passing through the UDTs as parameters to the faceplates and on my Analog device faceplate I have a Chart.
Chart's data is linked to "Tag History" with two indirection variables for the tag's folder and the Tagname itself.
When viewing this popup in Preview mode in the designer it seems to work but only shows red error over the chart when launching the vision app.

I've checked that the indirect variables I pass are correct, and the chart does the same in Vision Runtime even if I just simply link in the tag directly with the chart. Is this a license problem with the trial version or am I missing something silly?

Things I've checked is:

  • Correct Indirect tags + build up of indirect reference
  • DB connection correct and running
  • Correct DB selected in project
  • Username and password to DB correct
  • UDT parameters set to bidirectional.

Check the project permissions for tag history:

You legend! Thanks a million...
I thought it would be some simple thing I'm missing.

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