Tag History Rounds Data

Hello, I am currently using tag history binding, and I notice that it actually rounds the values to two decimal places. I have numbers that go up to 5 decima places and was wondering if anyone knows what I can change to be able to read the number precisely? I am trying to get the tag history from a tag that is a float. this is what I have entered.

If you tag is floating point, then history will return the true floating point value. Any rounding would be a property of how you are displaying the data, not how the historian is retrieving it.

I also had a transform script but other than that I am displaying it in a table. Should I change anything?

What do you have in your table's props.columns ? (That's where display formatting occurs, and would not automatically pick up any formatting from the tag.)

All I see that may be related to this is the numberFormat and I changed it to the 4 decimal places precise option but my table still only shows the data with two decimal points

I think you need to enter a proper field for those props to work correctly.


what would I enter as a field?

column header

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