hi, the question it simple...
Is possible to create, edit and remove a "Tag History Splitter" by scripting? how?
Is possible edit a "Datasource History Provider" by scripting? how?
Maybe. You'd be getting into SDK/Module development territory. I wouldn't recommend it.
I don't know the solution, but if there were one, it would probably use the GatewayTagHistoryManager received from a GatewayContext. Not simple or easy; and lots of opportunity to mess up your gateway. Search for GatewayContext in the forum for examples on how to get started.
Before you start, however. I'd ask why? What makes you want to use scripting to do this?
Because I have many systems already implemented and I would a method for operators can to be changes in Its configuration quickly and errorless as part of a update system.
Management like this isn't really possible/supported in 8.1, but will be possible in Ignition 8.3; expected release early-ish next year.
Ok Griffith, thank for the info.
For the moment, I found a method. I insert/update in Ignition Internal databases register in the configuration tables (TAGHISTORYPROVIDEREP, TAGHISTORYSPLITTERSETTINGS) with necesary data. Still I have to make some test, but, It seems work.
Hmm. That's awfully precise. What time zone?