Tag History Splitter

We currently use the tag history splitter to log data locally on the machines and send it to the office. It all seams to be working fine as far as sending data. We have project on the machines and the office project simple redirects to each of those projects.

the issue we are facing now is we are starting in on a mobile project and want it on the server at the office. We need to be able to look at the office database and get the historical records from there. But i cant seam to be able to setup a project in the office and be bale to create a trend using the tag history to fill the trend.
Any ideas on how we need to proceed to make this work?



On the office Ignition, you’ll create a database connection to the history db (I imagine you already have this).

Then, when you go to a “Tag History Binding” window, or click on the “find tags” button in the easy chart, next to the “SQLTags History” section, you should see a list of tags. The tags will be in the form of “[databasename / systemname]path/to/tag”. If the database connection is the default for the project, it will just show up as “[/systemname]tag”.

These are the tags provided by the other system. You should be able to add them to the charts, tables, etc.


I assumed that is how it should work but we are not seeing this behavior here. See the attache error we are seeing. For some reason the tags are not showing up in the tag history list of tags. As you can see from the other screen shot the database connections are there.

Ok i think i just figured out what is going on. Since we have the project at the office only “reading” data that is sent to the office from the machines via the tag history splitter. When i set the database providers up for each machine at the office i went in and disabled each of the historian sql providers. When i went in and enabled them then all the tags show up as expected in the tools. So i have re-enabled for all the providers and that should get me going.

Thanks for the help.


Yes, I see what you mean. I think we’re going to try to improve the idea of a “historical provider” in 7.7, to make this situation easier to understand. It should probably also be possible to enable read-only access in the historical providers, instead of simply “enabled/disabled”.
