Tag Properties 'bindType' - what's the default string for No Binding?

Good evening,

I’m attempting to set an tag alarm’s enabled property through scripting. The idea is to have a user set the enabled property to either True, False, or setup an expression through the vision client. I’m able to set the expression through scripting by setting up a dictionary like so:

alarms = [
    'name' : 'Alarm',
    'enabled' = {
        'bindType' : 'Expression',
        'value' : 'tag(%s) > %s' % (path, str(enabledSetpoint))

However, when trying to change it BACK to just ‘enabled’ : True, while system.tag.configure returns a Good result, the alarm enabled binding doesn’t get changed or erased. I’m thinking I need to setup the enabled variable to be the following, but I don’t know what string to use for ‘bindType’ and I can’t seem to find any documentation to figure that out.

alarms = [
    'name' : 'Alarm',
    'enabled' = {
        'bindType' : 'No Binding',  #system.tag.configure breaks since I don't know what this should be
        'value' : 'True'

Hi, i got it working using this syntax :

alarms = [

Or you could use

alarms = [

Thanks for the help, pascal! Unfortunately the second alarms definition was what I tried to use first, but it doesn’t seem to be catching. It might be that I’m using the merge option instead of overwrite