Tag values in HTML

Hi everyone,

I have multiple tags coming in through the MQTT engine. I would like to display them nicely using a table that I am planning to create in HTML. Is is possible to read tag values and print them in HTML formatting ?

Or is there a better way to do this ?

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If you own a license for the Webdev module, you could stand up a REST endpoint that pulls tag data and then call that endpoint from your HTML with XMLHttpRequest() for example

Alternatively, if your MQTT broker implements a REST interface, you could call the topic values directly from your HTML

I hope this helps,


See my mSCADA module that can display Tag values in Tabular format and much more. Its an add on module to Ignition and uses nodeJS server to serve HTML pages on LAN and remote locations using PubNub. Please visit http://www.pramanj.com for more information on all the modules.

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For PRAMANJ Technologies