Take photos using Perspective mobile app and store in database

Can the perspective mobile app be used on an iPad to take a photo and store it in a database to view or retrieve? If so, how? If not, is this feature in the works anytime soon?

iOS has been reported to support using the camera with the file upload component. You'll want to test that with your specific iPad.

Upon upload, if you save the photo bytes to a database as a blob, you can get them via URL for display either with the WebDev module, or my free Blob Server module. The WebDev module can also support retrieval from other locations.

Thanks @pturmel, I could also use the system.perspective.download function to retrieve the photos too right? But users would have to download before they could view them right? How might I access your free blob server module?

  1. Yes,

  2. Yes,

  3. Here:

I can confirm that iPads running a Perspective app in Edge, will prompt the user, when uploading a file, whether they want to Take Photo or Take Video. Very handy.

Trying to figure out how we can get that prompt for Edge on Windows.

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Same here by Android 10 running on a Zebra Tablet.
Thanks for your suggestions

on windows? like a desktop?
The upload component uses OS systems to determine what and how it uploads something, i dont think you or perspective can really change its behavior. Its all the OS that does this. Desktops dont have this feature.

What's interesting is I have a DELL with a detachable keyboard ... which become as "tablet mode" system when I take off the keyboard ... but unfortunately Microsoft didn't think of letting the OS really emulate the "Take Photo" feature that the other tablet OSs provide

check if you need some special drivers for tablet mode, and try contacting dell support or search a forum of them. ignition wont be able to help you with this