Some confusion here (either you or us readers). OPC drivers create nodes, and those nodes are exposed to the rest of Ignition, which can then subscript to the nodes to make Ignition tags. Making Tags in Ignition is not something an OPC driver does--the user does that.
Other kinds of modules can expose actual Ignition tags directly, skipping the OPC part entirely (typically with a Managed Tag Provider implementation).
Your poller is probably failing because an OPC driver module doesn't have anything hooked up until a user creates a device of your module's type, then a user creates Ignition tags that subscribe to your nodes.
You may want to pursue the managed tag provider approach instead of the OPC driver.
I am sure. That is just in the picture. I have made sure to run and test it with the trail working and banner is green. Sorry about the confusion there.
This is a listener for requests from other systems, and only via HTTP(S). The OP is making a connection from Ignition to a target that uses a custom protocol.