TCP Port Listener


Are there any Passive TCP Listerning drivers available for Ignition?
I have n-number of devices that are sending data to my ip on a specific port every minute. Built-in TCP Driver does not support passive listening and instead requires me to put in a specific ip address.

Any solutions?

Hmm, there used to be a passive TCP driver written by a third party floating around the forum, but I'm not sure it has been kept up to date for 8.x or not...

Does each device connect to its own port?

No, they all connect to the same port which is 502. Using Node-Red, i used to distinguish the devices by the first part of the received message, which was something like: "MyNameIsDeviceNumber5;HereIsMyInfoInHex"

The device sends a "hello" packet. If i respond to that packet, the device sends me the data which i described above.

Now i want to migrate from Node-Red to Ignition, and im surprised that there are no built-in tcp port listener drivers available.

It is possible to do this just with jython, by creating the appropriate java socket. It requires some management of persistence, and a long-lived listening thread, which can be tricky.

Some reading material:

So i have came up with a diffrent approach which is using Node-Red to receive TCP data and then sending it to ignition OPC UA server. That way i will only need to learn how to proficiently use OPC UA.

I have used @chi TCP driver in the past and works just fine for passive TCP listening.