Template Easy Charts


Has anyone had any luck using an easy chart as part of a template, we are developing a system with a process that requires a chart and the only part we haven't managed to make dynamic so far is the chart. specifically the tag history pens.

Has anyone had any luck making this work?

Thanks in advance

You probably need to dynamically create (or bind) the tagPens dataset property. This is fairly common for chart popups. Should work for templates, too.

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I did see you can do and I've done it for various other bits e.g. alarm configuration. But I can't find an easy way to create a dataset in a UDT where i can dynamically update the dataset cells e.g. if i want to add a new pen to all the charts i only have to change one UDT and all the instances will have the new history pen etc

Blegh. No, don't try to maintain the dataset in the UDT. It has to have instance-specific content, so needs to be generated. As a UI behavior, I would just keep this config in the template.

See this topic for some ideas:

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That's worked brilliantly thanks for that

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