Text editing help needed, json copied, edited, but can't paste

I can’t paste my json to the project browser to replace the json.

What am I doing wrong?
8.1.0 perspective

on 100 labels I am replacing

Was trying to avoid editing each one individually.

You’re missing the quotes

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What quotes?

oh the python code, I have edited it in now.

But how do I paste the json? or what is stopping me from being able to paste it.

I have pasted json to the project browser before. I don’t know why I couldn’t today.

What exactly are you trying to replace? A View? A component(s) in a view?

For View, are you shift+right clicking on the view?
For a component, you can just paste json directly into a container. Check console for any errors

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I right clicked on flex container in a view, copied it to notepad++

edited the text

Then when I right clicked to paste on that flex container or the parent, neither allowed me to paste.

Previously, I had definitely pasted somehow, as I had copied and generated several flex container columns of containers and time series charts.

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You have to select the parent container and paste it into that. Eg deep select container, ctrl v

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Thanks for helping

I will try tomorrow. Maybe I had not deep selected the parent, only the duplicate? Would think it would let me paste still.

You can’t paste over the top of a component, you have to paste it as a new component

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Hi, do you solve that problem?

If i copy and paste a view directly on designer it works.
If i copy a view i can paste it on external editor and i can see the JSON code. Now if i copy the code from the external editor i cannot paste back on Designer but the code is exactly the same.. (or it seems to be) :cold_face:

Ok.. i think that there no way to complete that task because on JSON copied there aren't all informations.
Exporting the view is possible to see that there are more files that complete the information.

Anyway, even by exporting, modifying part of the JSON, zipping all files as orginal, the import function doesn't work.

MOst likely, the JSON you're pasting in is invalid. Do you see any errors in the console?

Using a simple view like the one shown:


the "pasted code" from the clipboard is:


You can see that all the main container part is missing.
I don't think it's possible to copy, edit, and paste the JSON of a view.

The "solution" is to copy, edit, and paste the "main container" into a "new empty view," and it seems to work.

Did you do a simple copy, or a 'copy json' ?
'copy json' and 'paste json' are available when you shift + right click.

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Hi, i will try your tips as soon as possible!

Maybe I had an error in my json that day or hadn't deep selected right.
I think I restarted a few times, and tried pasting a few ways till it worked.
Version 8.1.19 has been working far better for me than 8.1.0, but I think I still got pasting to work in 8.1.0

shift + right click doesn't show me the "copy json" option. I'm using the 8.1.28 version.

Are you attempting this on the view itself? Or on components in the view? Copying components will always copy the json. To copy the whole View's json though, that's where you need to Use shift


Shift right-clicking for me on the view name from the project browser produced this menu.

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You are right! i'm selecting the component!

You are right! i'm selecting a component instead of the view!