Text message size exceeds maximum size, Message Too Big

Hey there,

I was trying to load images into a flex repeater in Ignition Perspective when I click an entry in a table that lists all images that I have. It usually works fine, but sometimes I get following error:

Websocket connection closed unexpectedly. code=1009, reason=Text message size [2219231] exceeds maximum size [2097152], codeMeaning=Message Too Big, codeDescription=The endpoint is terminating the connection because a data frame was received that is too large.

The image data is loaded from a SQL query that stores the images as Strings.

Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this? Is there a way to increase the maximum message size in ignition?

Yes, you can increase the message size (search this forum--I don't have it handy). But you really should not be embedding the image data in the table. Use a column view to carry an image component, then you can have the nested view retrieve the image data. Your table data should only have descriptions and image IDs, not image content. You might find some of the discussions in my Blob Server topic helpful:

Thanks for your response! Maybe I didn't describe it good enough. The image data isn't stored in the table, just the name and other features. When the selection changes, the ids of the selected images are stored in an array. A query binding at a flex container reads these ids and reads the image data from the database. I think that's what you meant.

I will search for the message size, thanks!