The dreaded red equation error box

I have set up a new set of tags and tables that use an expression to eliminate some of the nuisance errors. The one I cannot get rid of is the red "equation error F(x) box" i know that there is an error in the equation using the established criteria. But I don't car that it is an error. I just want it to populate NO Data. i.e. we don't run on the weekends so there is going to be no data to populate. How do I cancel out the red box and let things keep going?

Let me clarify.. i am using and LED display and an expression to out put what I want. The LED display has the shaded red f(x) box on it when it on the weekend or something funky happens to the data on the table.

try works in expressions to. Just return 0 or a different value when the primary fails.

Otherwise there might be a disable overlay checkbox in the binding too.


Try using a script transform and do the equation in scripting. You'll be able to get more details if an error pops up in either the logs or the tooltip on the overlay error.

DUDE!!!! try is my new best friend :slight_smile: :exploding_head: