Thermometer Display - Adding more intervals

I am using the thermometer displays to show winding temps for a blower. I would like to have a different interval for when not in use, normal operating, high operating, and an interval for if the temperature reading is astronomically high showing a thermocouple/rtd fault. Is there a way to add a 4th interval?

You can add pretty well as many intervals as you like. Click the [+] to the right of the intervals prop to add another array element, then define the color, low and high values.

Keep in mind, the graphic will only show the limits if they are close enough to the highBound value of your chart. If the highBound value is, say 120, and the low value of the interval is 150 the interval indicator will disappear off the chart.

If you want a different set of intervals, you can make them dynamic using a binding on the intervals prop itself.

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That worked! Thank you!