Hi, I'd like to ask for help regarding the order for the columns of my charts. They don't follow my column order inputted or even alphabetical order. I tried changing the names using simple letters, and it started following alphabetical order, but gets mixed up when I switch back to the actual column names.
How can I control the order my columns are being displayed on the chart?
Chart Outputs:
Hey Aaron_Arciaga,
How are you getting your dataset onto the chart? Is this being performed by some form of query? If you can provide a screenshot on how you are getting this data.
It looks like the data that is being returned may need to be organized depending on how we are retrieving this dataset. For example, if we are using a SQL DB to retrieve data, we can specify our Select statement to include the specific order of columns which would be reflected in the dataset. (Select Column 1, Column 2, etc from TABLE
Hello Patrick,
Thanks for your response.
I'm using a tag history binding pointing to a custom property. The returned dataset seems to be organized properly and follows the order shown in the custom property. Here are the screenshots:
I'm having a similar problem. I'm building my dataset from a dynamic list of pens in alphabetical order and creating a dataset also in alphabetical order, but the Legend on the time series chart remains stubbornly unsorted.