Time Series Chart issue

Having an issue with my time series chart not populating data. I have data according to the data icon on the right hand side tree. I'm leaning toward it has something to do with my dates. The date at the bottom of the graph is saying 12-31-1969

Without knowing how you have configured your data binding or seeing the resultant dataset, it is difficult to help.

If you can post a screenshot of the data, that would good. Otherwise, please take a look at the documentation and confirm that you have configured it correctly, especially the column order.

Perspective - Time Series Chart | Ignition User Manual (inductiveautomation.com)

One thing to note is that timestamps are defined in terms of the seconds/milliseconds since 01/01/1970 (epoch). If you are seeing 12-31-1969, your time data must have a value of <= -1, so you are probably right about it being the timestamp (as opposed to date time).

Also, out of interest, are you querying a database for the data? If so, what type (SQLite, MySQL)?

@simeonw I had to change some stuff in the tree to get the data populating. Its pulling from a transaction group. Im trying to chart how long a boolean tag is true for a day then graph that number. Then have the data reset at midnight and repeat. So basically one data point per day of how long the boolean tag was true.

Im not getting correct data though. Im still missing something....