Time Series Chart - Show "Month" on Time-Axis

Hello There,

Is it possible to somehow show the month on the time-axis? Currently (as seen in screenshot) the ticks only show the day of the week/date i.e “Mon 03”, “Tue 04”, “Thu 06” etc. Is it possible to show “Feb Thursday 06” or even just “February 06” ?


Many Thanks

Hello @jaspinall, currently, the time axis adjusts the tick label based on the overall time that is being displayed in an attempt to make it context-relevant. If displaying several months worth of data, the month will be included in the tick label. That being said, it would be trivial to expose a property that would give you control over the time format shown in the label. I will open a feature request.


Thank you @jball

For posterity, 8.0.11 (and today’s nightly build) contains a property at props.timeAxis.tick.label.format, that will allow you to define the format of the timestamp on the time axis.


Thanks for this update @Paul.Scott

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