Timer Script - Python

Hello everyone,
I am trying to read a file and then put the data at appropriate location.
Here is the code,

import time
import threading
import os	
import glob

def ReadFile():		
	contents = "C:\\Users\\kshah2\\Desktop\\MDR1.asc"
	if system.file.fileExists(contents):			
		File = system.file.readFileAsString(contents)
 		line_num2 = 0
 		Read = open(contents, "r")
 		for line in Read.readlines():
 			line_num2 += 1
 			if line.find("DATAPOINT") >= 0:
 				CheckData(line_num2 - 1)
	elif event.source.value == 19:
		system.gui.messageBox("No File Exists")

def CheckData(line_num2):
	contents = open("C:\\Users\\kshah2\\Desktop\\MDR1.asc", "r")
	Result = {}
	caption = []
	values = []
	Curve1data = []
	pointer = 0
	curves = 0
	curve_number = 0
	curve_pointer = 0
	for line in contents.readlines():
		if pointer == 0 and line.find("DATAPOINT") >= 0:
			pointer = 1
		elif pointer == 1 and line.find("Variable.Caption") >= 0:
			pointer = 2
			C_data = line.split("=")
			C_data = C_data[1].strip()
		elif pointer == 2 and line.find("Variable.Value") >= 0:
			pointer = 0
			C_data = line.split("=")
			C_data = C_data[1].strip()							
		elif pointer == 0 and line.find("[CURVE") >= 0 :
			curves = 1
			curve_number += 1
			curve_pointer = 0
		elif curves == 1:
				if curve_number == 1:
					if line.find("Variable.Caption") >= 0 and curve_pointer == 0:
						curve_pointer = 1
						C_data = line.split("=")
						C_data = C_data[1].strip()
						Curve1name = str(C_data)
					elif curve_pointer == 2 and line.find("D"):
						C_data = line.split("=")
						C_data = C_data[1].strip()
					elif line.find("D0") >= 0 and curve_pointer == 1:
						curve_pointer = 2
						C_data = line.split("=")
						C_data = C_data[1].strip()
						print C_data
	Result = dict(zip(caption, values))	
	print Result
	print Curve1data
	print Curve1name


For the captions and values, I am getting expected results, but, I am getting index out of range error for ,

elif line.find("D0") >= 0 and curve_pointer == 1:
						curve_pointer = 2
						C_data = line.split("=")
						C_data = C_data[1].strip()

I think the problem is it remembers the value of C_data from previous line and then somehow doesn’t overwrite it.

Please let me know if you understand the problem and have some solution.

Help is always appreciated.

Which line of code are you getting the error on?
Could you post the error you are getting?
You could insert a try…except around the line causing the error and print the line, maybe there is no “=” to split on?

					elif line.find("D0") >= 0 and curve_pointer == 1:
						curve_pointer = 2
						C_data = line.split("=")
							C_data = C_data[1].strip()
							print 'Error with C_data: ', C_data
						print C_data