In Perspective, I wonder if is possible to set the labels in of the timeAxis in a TimeSeries Chart in a fixed mode… My chart shows the power during 1 single day, so I want to have the timeAxis label every 3 hour and not that they change dynamically.
Thanks for the answer, it’s a pity… I collect data of power consumption every hour of every day and should be nice having the 24hours fixed and seen the chart that fills up during the day.
Theoretically, it could be done, but you would probably have to use a script transform to make it work with the TimeSires chart. Probably wouldn't be the most performant thing either.
I think the XY Chart may be a better fit as far as allowing for a fixed set of tick marks. That or a 3rd Party module may have something that you could use.
@lrose , I’ve just add the module, it looks amazing. I play a little bit and I let you know, first of all I’ve to figure out how to set the Yaxis in autorange
I’m trying to use ApexChart, but I find problem setting the Xaxis fixed from 00:00 to 24:00.
The data chart are correct as it was with the TimeSeries chart, but the X axis labels are not shown. I set the type as “datetime” and the min and max as in picture.
Can I ask here or is better if I open a new topic specific?
I know that you don’t use the module, but I take this opportunity to ask one (probably) stupid thing that I can’t understand. I’m inserting all the objects, values ecc manually, but I see everywhere that they put the code directly and it looks better to manage… For example like this:
How would I show labels for particular dates/times instead? e.g. only show labels for every hour or every 6 hours?
Could you help me please? I would like to do the same but I’m struggling even to show the exactly Xaxis as I said above.
And maybe you could answer to my question about using the code to setup the chart instead of inser all the objects manually.