TimeSeries graph for 160 different robots

I have a status screen of 160 battery powered AGVs. I made a timeline graph that you access by clicking on the voltage status of the AGV. I want to make a graph for each AGV. How can I do this without making 160 individual graphs??

Vision? (Add the tag from the dropdown below the title editor.)

Be cool, man! Be cool! That's an assault on the eyes.

  • Numerical columns should be decimal aligned vertically for ease of value comparison.
  • Black on red is very difficult to read. Black on purple isn't much better.
  • Consider making all text black on dark background and putting a color indicator to the left or right. You could also consider a circle for OK and a square for fail to aid anyone with color-blindness.

Regarding the question,

  • you'd make a template in Vision and pass through the AVG number as a parameter.
  • you'd use a view in Perspective and pass through the AVG number as a parameter.

Thanks for the feedback it’s my first design so a lot good tips for me. All the boxes change to different several colors depending on the state of the AGV. I chose colors that the operators are already familiar with on HMIs. But I agree it’s not easy on the eyes in the current state.

I created my graph as a “view” already and have it assigned to the “agv001” text box.
But I’m not sure how to go about making them for the other 159 without making an individual view for each of them.

"View" suggests Perspective. ("Window" is used in Vision.) (Add the appropritate tag from the dropdown below your first post's title editor.)

First of all, this looks like Perspective (going off of the overlays in the bottom right corner), so I'll assume that.

What is the thought process of having all of the AGVs on one screen in that format? Is it to see the state of each of them at a glance? In that case, what you have will work fine (besides the many colors - I would use more greyscale and only add light coloring, such as in the font color or when a battery is about to be 0).

You should definitely not have to create 160 individual graphs, that would be extreme. I would create one view that contains a graph, add in the appropriate parameters* and then open a popup and pass in those parameters whenever any of the AGVs get clicked.

Are the voltage statuses live or are you trying to display tag history? How are the battery levels retrieved from the AGVs (meaning what is the tag structure and is it standardized using UDTs)?

Consider using white text with a drop shadow.