I have a Gateway that is set to UTC time and we have some reasons to keep it that way. This has been fine for users because both Vision and Perspective clients running on this Gateway are configured to show local timezone in the client/browser.
Alarms, however, take their timestamps from either the System (Gateway) or the Value (the timestamp on the relevant tag, which comes through the server and therefore has the same timestamp as the Gateway).
Is there a way to give the alarms time zone awareness as well? If not on the alarms, can the Alarm Status Table be configured for time zone based on client location? In other words, can it use the same time zone setting as the rest of the client/browser? I only see how to modify the date format but not to use addHours() type manipulations.
What version of Ignition have you checked this on? After reading this post I spun up an 8.1.25 gateway (current version as of the time of posting) and saw that once the project property "Project Timezone" in the general Perspective tab was set to "Client Timezone", new sessions did indeed show the local time rather than the gateway time. It is worth noting that I had to make sure my Perspective session closed and I opened a new session before the change was in place (I opened an incognito tab and went to my project that way to see that the setting had changed).
I did look into it and it seems like this should be the behavior since about 8.1.3 as far as I can tell when the Alarm Status Table was updated to support localization and timezones among other things. If you are on a later version than that and still are having issues I'd recommend reaching out to support and having us take a look directly at your project to see if something strange is happening.
Just an update: while it didn't happen immediately, I noticed that, after changing Timezone Behavior under the Vision/General settings and changing timestamp source on the alarm to Value, the Alarm Status Table eventually started showing alarm timestamps in the client timezone.
Only not marking this as the solution because it's Perspective-specific whereas my issue was in Vision. But probably still useful for those using Perspective.
Vision should be just about the same. The relevant project property is under Vision>General>Timezone Behavior, which I set to Client Timezone. I'll attach a short video showing that in action. You do sometimes need to either wait a few seconds or close/open the window for the updated timezone settings to take effect.