Dear sir,
Im new to ignition SCADA and MySQL. But I try to accomplish a function that i need to store image in a column-order wise in recipe in Mysql and retrieve the image one by one on trigger and display in ignition screen.
The column 1st row has column title followed by image in order and display the image in order one by one on trigger like recipe
I dont know how im going to accomplish this in Ignition scada.
Not precisely sure what this means, but image blobs are generally stored one-at-a-time in a row with a unique ID for easy retrieval and any other metadata columns needed to describe what they belong to. In your case, perhaps a recipe ID column and a step number integer.
Please share more information about your task so we can help with more focused advice.
Post a picture of the layout you are trying to achieve. Mock it up in Excel (or whatever) if you have to.
Dear sir,
Here Im attaching a recipe sample i need to create.
The Function Im trying to accomplish is that I want create an Recipe in MySQL or any platform.
i need to store image in the table and need to display the image when it is triggered
I also want its table to expand when i add or update new recipe in the table.
Once these table is generated, if i select a recipe name, the image in the first row of that column need to displayed.once a trigger condition is set next image needs to displayed in same screen.this is done untill the last image of the selected recipe is displayed.
This is a very weird looking table.
Frankly I suggest you rework the whole thing. I also suggest you read up on how to use a relational database.
I believe it should look like this:
Recipes tables:
id | name |
1 | strawberry milkshake |
2 | chocolate milkshake |
x | something |
Ingredients table:
id | name | image |
1 | milk | image of milk |
2 | nuts | image of nuts |
3 | chololate | image of chocolate |
4 | strawberry | image of strawberries |
Recipe/ingredients junction table:
recipe_id | ingredient_id |
1 | 4 |
1 | 2 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 4 |
2 | 2 |
2 | 3 |
Type "junction tables" on google for more details about how they work and why we use them.
Dear sir,
I aslo need to create a dash board to update the content in recipe table,ingrediant table and the junction tabke. Can you guide me how this can be done..i aslo attached my template screen for the updation.i have run script file for that but i have no idea how this has to be done.
i can assign PLC tags for each of these input components.
for example if i assign a plc interger tags for Recipe id, when i enter a value and press the add button, if the recipe id is not available then a row need to append in recipe table or if its already exist the content need to overwrite.
{ Your screenshot is Vision, so the following will need translation (by you) from Perspective. }
Consider studying these two Exchange Projects to learn how to handle your database:
A recipe editor is a particularly ambitious first project for learning how to make user interface components and a database present information in a seemlessly useful format, and allow editing. Brace yourself for a steep learning curve.
This is way more complicated than is practical to show you step-by-step on this forum, IMNSHO.