Toggle a boolean PLC tag via script

Please forgive the newbie question!!

I have created a two state rotary switch (Auto/Man, Start/Stop) and am trying to get the syntax correct for toggling a Boolean tag in the processor. The script as written is: (“Intake/TEST_TOGGLE”)

if “Intake/TEST_TOGGLE” == 1:
system.tag.write(“Intake/TEST_TOGGLE”, 0)
system.tag.write(“Intake/TEST_TOGGLE”, 1)

It will set the tag value to “1” if it is a “0”, but won’t reset the bit to “0” if it is a “1”

There is a part two to this question, but I’ll hold off until I have part one answered!!


I found a solution to this. Changed the script to:

x = (“Intake/TEST_TOGGLE”)

if x.value is True:
system.tag.write(“Intake/TEST_TOGGLE”, 0)
system.tag.write(“Intake/TEST_TOGGLE”, 1)

It works perfectly!

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