Not really. It’s actually a CSS attribute that we’re emitting to the web browser; Ignition doesn’t have anything to do with what it does or not. And there’s a lot of CSS attributes, so trying to document them all is a huge endeavor.
If you’re ever curious about a style attribute, I’d highly recommend the Mozilla Developer Network; e.g. I googled mdn white space and got this: white-space - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
what about for a marker on a map. I am trying to get multiple lines there but there is no option for style.
Is there any way I can get this to work that you know of.
Any help would be appreciated.
uf yeah they are not properties.
theme.css are css files stored on your igntion folder
injection is injection css in a styleclass.
in the topic i linked above there is a post linking to some more info on these.