Touch Screen Keyboard not all on screen

I know there is a quick fix, I am looking for it myself but if someone can point me in the direction to move or locate the pop up keyboard it will help. Attached is a screen shot, as you can see the whole keyboard is not visible.

Is there a way to get to the config settings of this popup keyboard? How?

I don’t believe that there are any available config settings for the pop-up keyboards. What version of Ignition are you running? I seem to remember hearing about this issue and it having been fixed.

It looks like your Start Bar is set to auto hide, is that true? The client should not be able to go below the Start Bar under normal conditions, but that looks to be the case here. Can you tell if the keyboard is below the bottom of the client?

Here is a screen shot showing the overlay from main window even.

I even moved task bar to top of screen. Then the keyboard area that hangs over back main window is right off the monitor, you can not see it at all. Hope that makes sense…

Well I have found no way to fix it… Grrrrr

This appears to have been fixed in version 7.2.7 according to the changelog. Are you running a version older than 7.2.7, if so then upgrading should fix this problem? If not then let us know and we can look into this to see what’s happening.

I will do an upgrade and see if it helps.

Upgrade fixed it. :smiley: