Transaction Group Target Name misbehavior

I am using postgresql as my sql backend for my transaction groups. When I drag some tags in to be read into a transaction group, it automatically makes the tag name the target name for the column. This should be fine, however, because postgres by default lower-cases any columns that are not explicitly quoted, this means that any tag I have with a name like XY_voltage gets translated to xy_voltage and throws errors.

Is this a known issue? Is there a solution other than never using capitals in my tag names or manually lower-casing all of the "target" columns for my transaction groups?

I just updated from 8.1.31 to 8.1.41. Now I see that the Target Name is showing the same as the Item Name field, regardless what the popup menu's "Target Name" says. Considering this Transaction Group doesn't seem to have any entries making it into the db, while throwing no errors, and claiming everything is writing successfully, I am a bit stumped here.

I noticed this same behavior. Interface works as expected on 8.1.32, but 8.1.39 and up show blank in the Mode Column and Item Name in the Target Name column.

Also appears to have removed the icon in front of the item name that was useful for determining if a tag was an opc tag or a tag reference.

Hoping this was an unintended change.

Got in touch with support and was told they do have an internal bug ticket open for the visual issues in the transaction group editor.