Transfer a non builtin image with EAM to another gateway

I have a project that I push to multiple gateways, but I can’t figure out how/where to save images so that they will also be sent with the project. So when I add a new image into the image management and then send the project, none of those images send and all of my links break on the new gateway. It’s pretty trivial to hop onto that gateway and add them, but it is also irritating.

Any help?

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I also have this problem.
Any solution to this ?

So it's safe to assume, that this is not possible ? - We still have to log on to all our 50+ clients, just to upload images.
Then the Agent functionality seems pretty dead to me.

Images aren't project resources. They are gateway resources, like tags and user-defined types.

There are scripted ways to insert images there, and you can use system.util.sendRequest() to ask a remote gateway to do so. Start here (but there are others):

Use the EAM to send the project with the appropriate message handler to the remote gateway.