Translate alarm eventState in alarm notification message

In alarm notification message, we can use some format for time, but is it possible to translate the “event state” ?


At {eventTime|hh:mm:ss}, alarm "{name} - {label}" at "{displayPath}" transitioned to {eventState}.

In french:

A  {eventTime|hh:mm:ss}, alarm "{name} - {label}" au "{displayPath}" change vers l'état {eventState}.

eventState is replaced by Active.
I would like to translate this term in the sms or email message !

i have not tried it yet but probably could use the “if” expression.

something like

if({eventstate}=‘Active’, ‘le active’, ‘le no active’)

I don’t think the notification messages support expressions, but you could translate it in a script block BEFORE the notification block, simply translating the event.state manually or using translating functions.