Translation List


Today i noticed that when I use the translation list, the client don’t save this changes. In fact, the “Column Attributes Data” DataSet show the XML structure with my mapping list but the table doesn’t show the mapped data (shows the number values of data). If i open again the table customizer, the mapping list is empty despite the XML structure that i mention before.

For this project I’m using ORACLE DB and Ignitio 7.1.8.

Thanks in advance.

Well, something must be wrong with the XML structure. Take a look at your console in the designer or client to see if any error messages pop up.

There is nothing wrong with the XML because it was generated by the table customizer.

But i made a test with another SQL table but this time from MySQL. Then, the mapping works fine.

Maybe is something with the datatype (I’m using numeric in ORACLE and INTEGER in MySQL).


My guess is that it is a number translation list, but your number is being converted into a string in an unexpected way. For example, 1 becomes 1.00 or something like that. When you open the dataset in the dataset viewer on the table, what is the type of the column in question?

In general, we should probably have the translation list use the formatted version of any numeric column so the formatting is predictable.

This has been improved for 7.2.0