Trouble connecting Ignition to Oracle Express version 18

I am having trouble connecting an Oracle Express (version 18) DB to Ignition version 8.0.14.
I do have a DB installed on a second VM and can’t connect. I also tried connecting Ignition on the same VM with Oracle.

I get the following error when connecting to VM with both Ignition and Oracle installed:

“Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection)”

Here is screenshot of my Oracle connection:

I get the following error when connecting via the remote VM:
Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection)

Here is screenshot of my Oracle connection from remote VM:

I realize I that username is sys in one and SYSTEM in the other. I have tried sys, SYS, system, and SYSTEM on the remote connection

Any thoughts??

To add as well here is what I am logged in as on Oracle DB

I am super new to Oracle

Have you solved it? I also met it. Please tell me what to do

Unfortunately I did not. I ended up using another version of Oracle and was able to connect.