So in the tag viewer I’m unable to get floats to show up correctly, they are all 0, if I use modpoll the value comes through correctly. The diagnostics shows that the value is good with a scientific notation value. It’s my first time with floats so I’m sure I’m just not using the tags properly.
the scientific notation value is 2.4243e-41, modpoll shows 300, moving up and down a register gives an error, in that block there’s only 1 float register, if I get each register at a time the first is 0 and the second is like 17,302. The opc item path is using the HRF prefix.
Had the same problem fo you @codersmurf. Just solve it playing with play with Reverse Word Order and One-Based Addressing, also being aware of the Modbus spec.
I had to deal with this issue in order to get the weight off of truck scales. I was was able to get it to work by pulling the two input registers in question in 16bit unsigned format. Whenever they change (via a tag change gateway script) the following gateway script runs.
import struct
def combine_modbus_words_to_float(tag_path1, tag_path2, output_tag_path):
def swap_bytes(word):
# Swap the bytes within the word
return ((word & 0x00FF) << 8) | ((word & 0xFF00) >> 8)
def combine_words_to_hex(word1, word2):
# Combine the high-order and low-order bits
combined_int = (word1 << 16) | word2
# Convert to hexadecimal string
combined_hex = format(combined_int, '08x')
return combined_hex
def hex_to_float(hex_str):
# Convert hex string to integer
int_value = int(hex_str, 16)
# Pack the integer into bytes and unpack as float
combined_float = struct.unpack('!f', struct.pack('!I', int_value))[0]
return combined_float
# Read Modbus values
a = system.tag.readBlocking([tag_path1])[0].value
b = system.tag.readBlocking([tag_path2])[0].value
logger = system.util.getLogger("ModbusScript")
# Log raw values"Raw values: {}, {}".format(a, b))
# Swap the bytes within each word
a_swapped = swap_bytes(a)
b_swapped = swap_bytes(b)
# Convert individual words to hexadecimal after swapping
a_hex = format(a_swapped, '04x')
b_hex = format(b_swapped, '04x')
# Log hexadecimal representations"Hexadecimal representation of the first word (swapped): {}".format(a_hex))"Hexadecimal representation of the second word (swapped): {}".format(b_hex))
# Combine swapped words into a single hexadecimal representation
combined_hex = combine_words_to_hex(a_swapped, b_swapped)"Combined hexadecimal representation: {}".format(combined_hex))
# Convert combined hexadecimal to floating-point value
combined_float_value = hex_to_float(combined_hex)"Combined floating-point value: {}".format(combined_float_value))
# Write the result to another tag
system.tag.writeBlocking([output_tag_path], [combined_float_value])