Trouble with IN clause of named query with MSSQL

Using 7.9.21.

I am trying to make a report with the following functionality -
if no users are provided, I run the report data as usual, but if users are provided, I only grab rows relating to said users.

I have users as a single column dataset with test like so -

This default expression works I can see it as a preview on the report if dragged and dropped.

My SQL looks like

SELECT [idx], [DPD_Group], [DPD_Project], [Project], [Project_Status], [Hot_Topic], [timeStamp], [userid]
FROM dpd.project_status_table 
WHERE [last_curator_review_tstamp] BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate 
AND [Hot_Topic] = :hotTopic 
AND [assetType] = :assetType 
AND (:dpdProject=-1 OR [DPD_Project]=:dpdProject)
AND (:userIdLength=0 OR [userid] IN ({users}))
order by 'Project', 'timeStamp' DESC

My datasource is a script

	assets = ['Milestones', 'Hot Topics', 'Emerging Issues']
	for asset in assets:
		userStr = ", ".join(["'%s'"%(user) for (user,) in system.dataset.toPyDataSet(data['users'])])
		params = {'startDate':data['StartDate'], 'endDate':data['EndDate'], 'assetType':asset, 'dpdProject':data['dpdProject'], 'userIdLength':data['users'].rowCount, 'users':userStr}
		data[asset] = system.db.runNamedQuery('Report/reportData', params)

When I go to preview my report I get this error -

WARN: Error invoking script.Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<function:updateData>", line 6, in updateData
	at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.script.GatewayDBUtilities.runNamedQuery(

	at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor87.invoke(Unknown Source)

	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)

	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

java.lang.NullPointerException: java.lang.NullPointerException

Where line 6 is where I call my named query.

This didn't seem very helpful to me so I tried running this named query in script console with the following -

users = system.dataset.toDataSet(["Users"],[["User"],["Curator"]])
data ={

assets = ['Milestones', 'Hot Topics', 'Emerging Issues']
for asset in assets:
	userStr = ", ".join(["'%s'"%(user) for (user,) in system.dataset.toPyDataSet(data['users'])])
	print userStr
	params = {'startDate':data['StartDate'], 'endDate':data['EndDate'], 'assetType':asset, 'dpdProject':data['dpdProject'], 'userIdLength':data['users'].rowCount, 'users':userStr}
	print params
	data[asset] = system.db.runNamedQuery('DPD Weeklies Report V2', params)
print data

The script console worked.

'User', 'Curator'
{'endDate': Wed Apr 03 10:16:27 EDT 2024, 'users': u"'User', 'Curator'", 'assetType': 'Milestones', 'userIdLength': 2, 'startDate': Wed Mar 27 10:16:27 EDT 2024, 'dpdProject': -1}
{'EndDate': Wed Apr 03 10:23:47 EDT 2024, 'Emerging Issues': Dataset [0R ? 8C], 'users': Dataset [2R ? 1C], 'StartDate': Wed Mar 27 10:23:47 EDT 2024, 'Milestones': Dataset [0R ? 8C], 'Hot Topics': Dataset [0R ? 8C], 'dpdProject': -1}

and this worked

Then I tested my named query directly and that does seem to work though

I can't tell what these error indicates so I don't see what I am doing wrong especially since the SQL is valid when tested directly. What is going on?

Reports run on gateway. I needed a project name in my system.db.runNamedQuery.

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