Troubleshooting guidance for tag path error

Hi there. This post is likely going to be a bit of a stretch, but I'm just hoping maybe someone can help me grab onto a thread perhaps so that I can make some progress with this.

Here's what I've got going. We had an integrator develop an Ignition solution for us for alarm notifications. As you'd likely expect, they setup several UDTs in this process. They setup perspective so that when you load one of the tags it checks which UDT type it is and loads it into a view that is unique to that UDT type. The code pertaining to setting the correct view looks like the below, but with instantiations for each different UDT type:

		'statusView':'Components/Tag Status/UDT1',

They didn't really leave us any documentation and I don't have hours with them at the moment, so I was trying to figure this out on my own but I'm a little stuck here. So I found that they left an appconfig script in the project library & in there they assess tag types & from there they point them to a given view. I initially thought that might be all there is to the logic, so I did some testing.

I created a copy of a working UDT. I did nothing but change the name to the new UDT.

I added a new block in the appconfig code for the new UDT.

I reassigned a known good tag which used the original UDT that I copied from to the new, renamed UDT.

Now, when I go to load that tag in perspective, I end up with a tag path error & I just really don't know where to go to troubleshoot it. I can switch that same tag back to the original UDT & then it starts working fine again.

Any pointers, means to troubleshoot? I'm not expecting anyone to be able to point me right at the solution here, but I'm hoping maybe by chance someone can point me into the direction where I can at least get a little closer :smiley:


what do you mean by this?

You have a list in a view with all tags and when you press one of these tags it opens a new unique view?


Can you test it from designer with console open to see what errors it throws? That is what I would do I had to troubleshoot at first place.


That's correct. We have a navigation pane on the left side which list all the tags. When we click on one of those tags from that pane, it loads a unique view for that UDT type & 'binds' that tag to the view.

In that view, we can see things like the present value, the alarm settings, etc.

I would say the tag instance is either pointing to not existing view (I mean it has a tag or property which is set to wrong view path) or the view does not exist.


Also this code you showed doesnt show anything but a tiny part of a list.

You'll have to show us more code for more detailed help

So I created a view. I forgot to mention that in the original post.

For the view, similarly to the UDT copy, I just copied the view that was originally created. Then I just made a very minor, but visible change to the view so that I could essentially tell that the new view was loaded. All the code within that view is replicated in the new view. That's kind of where my confusion stems from. I really just replicated it all & kept everything the same across the board... minimizing differences to minimize potential issues was the thought. To be honest, I expected it to work but it doesn't, so I'm missing something.

So in this case, as I'm understanding, the tag instance itself doesn't refer to a view. The UDT type, via the appconfig script, would seemingly tie it to a view. Does make me wonder if perhaps there's something maybe in the UDT definition though maybe?

I haven't really had the opportunity to use that before for troubleshooting that I can recall, or if I did it's been a minute. Ignition is just one of the systems I maintain so it's not a full time sort of thing.

I appreciate the suggestion though & I'll look into this. The layout seems to make it a little difficult to me. So many flex containers I'm not really sure how to see it from the whole page in preview mode at this point. Suppose I need to play a bit with that.

We're really going to need more to be able to help. Without the actual code/views, we're shooting in the dark. Best we can do is guess.

It is hard to tell without seeing it, but if I understood you have a bunch of special UDTs. Each is preset by some lib. script triggered manualy by developer (I guess). Then you have a perspective view for each UDT type which should open upon selecting a tag instance (from a list) of corresponding UDT type.

This is achievable either by scripting directly at the view you are doing a selection or simply by having a tag/property in the instance which is your case, isn't it? If it is, then it leads me back to my initial assumption that it must be either incorrectly set (some typo in value holding the path to the view) or the view does not exist. If you share more we can help :d

That's fair & pretty much what I was expecting to hear. It's also kind of how I feel at this point - that I'm shooting in the dark trying to figure out how they designed this thing.

My dilemma here is largely that I don't even know what's pertinent to include at this point. I'll dig a bit deeper into some of this & will likely scrub a bit of the code, but let me see what I can include.

Can you share a project export ?

Completely understand how that'd be the best approach but that's but that's probably questionable at best for me to do that here in this case.

I'll see if I can't piece together some additional information. I've got some fresher eyes to look at this with this morning & I'll try to convey it a bit better once I wrap my head around it a bit more.

Can you provide the detailed error message?

Unfortunately there's no detailed error. In this case it just pops up with an exclamation point graphic and if you hover over it all it says is 'Tag path error'. Typically, that graphic doesn't show up & instead the view populates below it with the details from the tag. With that tag path error present, it's not loading anything else.

Trust me, I realize I'm not giving you guys enough to help with here. I just can't provide a full project export so I'm trying to see what details I'm able to put together but also trying to wrap my mind around it well enough so that I am able to provide what is needed.

I appreciate everyone trying to help here. Love that about this community, but I suppose I might need to take a step back & get a better idea what's going on here. Was really looking for a pointer more than anything else, hoping that I might get enough here so that I could refine the question should I still not be able to figure things out.

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I'm doing a bit of digging into this. I just found some additional code that's probably relevant to this. I'll try and piece some stuff together & hopefully I'll either figure it out on my own at that point or maybe I'll be able to populate a more refined question then :stuck_out_tongue:

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