Trying to modify SQL table data on subview in perspective

Greetings. I am trying to give a handful of our assembly managers the ability to modify Equipment check sheets that our assembly workers are filling out on a continual basis. The plan is they can view history, Create, or modify the Equipment Check Sheets that are just values stored in SQL. I have the create working fine, but in my SQL table I assign a process_id to each check just for reference purposes. I'm trying to offer them the ability to modify check sheets, case in point if a numeric value of a torque reading needs to be changed for them to keep track of etc.

I have a table that has the existing Equipment checks in it, with a subview that's just a flex container with some text areas correlating to the fields in SQL so they manager can type in whatever they want to change and there's a button on the bottom of that flex container that when pressed passes this:

def runAction(self, event):
	Method that will run whenever the selected event fires.

		self: A reference to the component that is invoking this function.
		event: Events fired by the relevant mouse/touch interaction.
			altKey (bool): True if the 'alt' key was held down when the event
			               was fired.
			button (int | float): The button number that was pressed when the
			                      event was fired.
			buttons (int | float): The buttons being depressed when the event
			                       was fired.
			clientX (int | float): The X coordinate in local coordinates.
			clientY (int | float): The Y coordinate in local coordinates.
			ctrlKey (bool): True if the 'ctrl' key was held down when the event
			                was fired.
			metaKey (bool): True if the 'meta' key was held down when the event
			                was fired.
			pageX (int | float): The X coordinate relative to the whole
			pageY (int | float): The Y coordinate relative to the whole
			screenX (int | float): The X coordinate in global (screen)
			screenY (int | float): The Y coordinate in global (screen)
			shiftKey (bool): True if the 'shift' key was held down when the
			                 event was fired.
	system.db.runPrepUpdate("Update FMA_Process_Master SET CheckItems=?, StandardNumericalValue=?,CheckMethod=?,Frequency=?,Line=?,ShiftRequired=? WHERE Process_id=?",[c,s,cm,f,l,sh,id])

I know the process_id is passed through I just added a label on the flex container just to verify, but for some reason I get this error message on press:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "function:runAction", line 9, in runAction
java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: Error executing system.db.runPrepUpdate(Update FMA_Process_Master SET CheckItems=?, StandardNumericalValue=?,CheckMethod=?,Frequency=?,Line=?,ShiftRequired=? WHERE Process_id=?, [stuff, stuf, stuff, stuff, stuff, 1, 1], genericSQL, , false, false)
caused by org.python.core.PyException
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "function:runAction", line 9, in runAction
java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: Error executing system.db.runPrepUpdate(Update FMA_Process_Master SET CheckItems=?, StandardNumericalValue=?,CheckMethod=?,Frequency=?,Line=?,ShiftRequired=? WHERE Process_id=?, [stuff, stuf, stuff, stuff, stuff, 1, 1], genericSQL, , false, false)
caused by Exception: Error executing system.db.runPrepUpdate(Update FMA_Process_Master SET CheckItems=?, StandardNumericalValue=?,CheckMethod=?,Frequency=?,Line=?,ShiftRequired=? WHERE Process_id=?, [stuff, stuf, stuff, stuff, stuff, 1, 1], genericSQL, , false, false)
caused by SQLServerException: The conversion from UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN is unsupported.

Has anyone every seen that conversion error message and by chance know how to fix it? Thanks in advance!